
Monday, March 05, 2007

Tagged... Daily review questions

Since Dr Su tagged me I'll do my best to answer the questions. Everyday is meaningful to me if I apply meaning to it so I just answer it today

1. What was your peak experience or accomplishment in the past day?
Overcame a financial block.

Your main challenge?
Actually doing the actions needed. I already scripted a plan to overcome the block and preventing it from affecting me again.

2. What emotional reactions, stresses or tensions were triggered in the last 24 hours?
I was nervous and even had mild tremors towards the end of my block-busting. I also had travel fatigue and maybe post-training fatigue yesterday night. The latter stresses aren't related to the block.

3. What decisions need to be made?

How to organise my room and keep it organised. When to travel to my friend's place in JB for my personal and business plans. Which path I'm taking along my career. I've been keeping my options open so far. The JB trip is also to help me choose which path I'll commit to.

What problems need to be solved?
Room straightening. It's all warped over here right now. Anyway questions 1 & 2 both have extra questions!

4. What early warning signals are calling for your attention?
This unending cough. It could be athsma but now it just seems like something is stuck in my chest. A moderate amount of phlegm and slight itching. The painful raw sensation has subsided and that's good and I could take a deep breath now without coughing my lungs out.

5. What did you learn about yourself in the past 24 hours?
I've been unable to clean my room because I haven't committed myself to any path. I've been keeping myself dangling and it isn't doing me any good. I also learned that I need to maintain close friends outside my family to discuss with. Family is too close for me to have a full meaningful discussion of my choices. Resonance without blood ties and a totally different angle as the basic thinking pathways are different.

6. What new ideas, insights or urges came up?
A resolve to maintain and multiply my income. I've not cared about cash but my overall well being; emotional, mental and physical was being affected by my aversion to money.

7. What strong desires did you notice?
A desire to pull my beloved to me right now. It's not feasible because I've yet to attain a sufficient level of financial freedom. She lets things around her affect her too much and that affects me indirectly.

8. How did you experience any reflection, stillness, relaxation or fun?
Letting the stillness, calmness wash over me. My concerns are external, unimportant. My heart and mind are buoyed, floating atop the chaos that are the events all around me. Seeing all, following the weaves of meaning that flows between events. The tapestry that it forms rather than the individual threads.

9. What can you do to improve your health, energy and memory?
Regulate my sleep and taking enough water. I've regulated my food intake for quite sometime so that isn't an issue now.

10. Who, including yourself, needs your acceptance or forgiveness?

I wish to accept my current self and forgive and accept my beloved.

11. What goals or next step are unclear or need more effort?
Holistic Leaders marketing. My career path. I also am refining my thinking. Trying to integrate my thought process with my emotions. Right now they much too separate and while that does give me a lot of benefits, proper integration would gain me more understanding and knowledge over myself. Some of my weaknesses right now like an unpredictable temper is from the separation of thought and emotion. My emotions would overpower thoughts when they get too strong. Proper integration is the keyword. I don't mean a mixing of both but a true synergy between the two.

12. What is your ‘critical inch’ (thanks to Richard Carlson) – your most important immediate next step?
Making a life plan. I've not made a proper one yet and it shows in my actions.

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