
Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Been having less energy these few weeks. I suspect an herb has something extra to do with this tiredness. I had been taking this particular herb on and off for close to a year as it's supposed to help my liver. Oh, I do have some liver problems and that affects me to a certain extent. Anyway my doctor insisted that I try to take it regularly for once because I admitted to taking it half dose once a day. Why did I do that? Because whenever I take it full dose twice a day I'd feel really really bad after just 4 days. Anyway I this time I tried to keep to the program as is rather than improvising as I see best. The herb is supposed to have a really obvious effect after just a month of regular consumption. The research and feedback shows marked improvement in many cases.

Well, after about a month and a half taking the herb I must say it really has a significant effect on me. I got really really really tired, felt throbbing pain around my liver area, intermittently at first but almost all the time by the end of the period, felt very weak and had trouble sleeping, waking and generally doing anything because I lack energy. It didn't seem good so I just stopped cold turkey and informed the doctor that I'm not taking the herb anymore. I don't know what effect it had but I really hope no permanent damage was done to my liver as I still have less than 30% of the energy I had before this even after a month of stopping the herb and sleeping at home most of the time... Ironic isn't it, a liver helping herb actually having the opposite effect. Well, I can't really say opposite effect as I haven't done any blood tests to check my liver's current condition. Well, I'll go and get the test done soon to check what effect it had. Maybe it improved my liver and the tiredness and energy loss are just incidental side effects?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Smoking Gun

Am wathcing a documentary right now. The narrator said "Until today, there's still no smoking gun...." Okay, am not quoting verbatim, the important part is the phrase smoking gun. The Malay subtitles said "tiada senapang asap" which literally means there are no smoke guns. Long live literal translations. Gives me plenty of laughs. You can't believe what how they translate... The funniest I know is when they translated 101 dalmations into "seratus satu bintik" which means one hundred and one spots!!!. It's not even remotely right in any way ^__^

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Tribute to Robert Jordan

Robert Jordan, one of the greatest fantasy authors of the modern day. I started reading his book a few years ago, in 2002 if I'm not mistaken. I love his books and love the world he created. I type today with great sadness. This author that inspired millions died on the 16th of September 2007 around 2.45 pm. His fans would already know this but I write here not to inform anyone. I write in honour of his name. The legacy that he created.

My deepest condolences to his family and friends. May God be with him.

Ahmad Hilmi Jaafar
17th September 2007 6.50pm (GMT +0800)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Afraid of Water?

will the sticker be afraid of water? like spills or whatever...
I read this question in a forum I frequent. The person wants to know whether the said sticker is water proof or not. Technically.... if the sticker is 'afraid' of water, that means it's hydrophobic right? Which makes it waterproof :D The guy answering it helpfully related how he rubbed water on the sticker and it simply rolled of the sticker. I noticed he avoided answering whether the sticker's afraid or not :D