
Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I love rain. It's literally pouring here. Had strong winds for half an hour before the rain. High pitched whistling, things flying around the room and later windows slamming shut. I leaned at the window sill facing the wind to appreciate the full glory of the wind.

I think the trees would love this deluge. Since it's really hot and bright whenever it's now raining there'd be green patches all over the place a few days after this... It would be lovely.... Oh the flowers will bloom too. I'm doing a bit more this time. Taking pics as soon as the buds come out.

The only thing a bit off about all this is the fact that it's impossible to keep the windows open. The wind is coming from an angle that gets both my windows... Too bad about that. Well, in a few months time when the monsoon winds change direction I'll get to have open windows when it's pouring~~~

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