
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ayam Besar

I just remembered an amusing thing some kids said at a friend's wedding. It was already night then so the family's settling down after a busy day.

A little boy, about 5 or 6 years old, came out of the kitchen area carrying a big bowl of sup tulang. Let's call him Boy A. It was kerbau by the way so just had a polite sampling. Didn't like it much, prefer beef over buffalo meat. Anyways this kid sat down and began heartily slurping the soup, nibbling on some bits of bone and gristle. I was just talking to my friend, the groom, who was a little bit giddy though he was really pale and sweating. I missed the wedding vows so didn't know whether he fumbled or not... So anyway back to the boy.

As he was enjoying his meal, a few other boys about his age came and asked him whether he's enjoying his soup. He smiled and said yes it's tasty. One of the other boys, I'll call him boy B, then admired the large piece of bone in the soup and said, "Waaah, besarnya tulang ayam kamu. Patutla sedap sup tu". The conversation then went as such...

Boy A, "Bukanlah ni sup kerbau, bukan sup ayam."

Boy B "Ayam tu, bukan kerbau. Besar ayam kau dapat."

Boy A "Eh, mak aku cakap sup kerbau, macam mana pulak jadi ayam."

Boy B, "Kau silap tu. Memang tulang ayam. Betul tak korang?', asking the other boys in his group.

Boys B, C and D, "Ha'ah la. Memang tulang ayam tu."

The first boy then just stared at his soup and after a while carried the bowl back to the kitchen.

Okay, for those who don't read Malay... Here's an approximate translation..

Boy B first said, "Wooow, that's a big chicken bone you have there... No wonder the soup's nice"

Boy A, "What? It's not chicken, it's buffalo... How could it turn into chicken..."

Boy B, "You got it wrong. I'm sure it's chicken bone. Isn't that right guys?"

Boys B, C and D, " Yea, that's chicken bone for sure."

Welp. Twas a really really weird and surreal conversation. I didn't even believe I was hearing it right at the time ^__^

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1 comment:

ahnali said...


haha.. interesting conversation by the little boys..


kesian boy A confused dah in the end.. and boy B,C,D.. HAHAHAHA