
Thursday, July 19, 2007


I'm embracing insanity rather than trying to reason out everything. Things fall into place very much as they will no matter how I plan and so I'll simply do what I can according to the moment I'm in. The future? Well, I carefully create things I really need such as the presentation slides for our company's upcoming event and I'll practice as much as I feel necessary. Other minor things I will deal with as they come...

Anyway speaking of the event. We have 2 events coming in August. One is a seminar by Dr. Alan Godlas, a sufi event. The title is "Spiritual Transformation in Daily Life by means of Remembrance Gratitude and Love". Find out more at the spiritual transformation info page in Holistic Leader's website. Direct linky to the seminar info page~~

The other event is a Light of Healing emotional freedom seminar titled "Dunia di Sebalik Emosi" - Beyond Emotions - The World Awaits You...
I know the Malay title sucks and that's after my sister revised the title. It doesn't exactly have the profound tone of the English title.

Oh here's the seminar advert as will be published in the August edition of Jelita magazine. It's fully in Malay though~


Anonymous said...

I'm moving my blog, I can invite up to 35 people, do you want an invite?

Anonymous said...

I changed my mind about moving, but everything is now private. I've added your user to the list.

Ahmad Hilmi said...

Oopsie, just when I decided not to access any internet during my weekend away. Hope everything is okay with you over there. Am e-mailing you for the private blog password.