
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Smoking Gun

Am wathcing a documentary right now. The narrator said "Until today, there's still no smoking gun...." Okay, am not quoting verbatim, the important part is the phrase smoking gun. The Malay subtitles said "tiada senapang asap" which literally means there are no smoke guns. Long live literal translations. Gives me plenty of laughs. You can't believe what how they translate... The funniest I know is when they translated 101 dalmations into "seratus satu bintik" which means one hundred and one spots!!!. It's not even remotely right in any way ^__^


Anonymous said...

I remembered 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' being translated as 'Harry Potter dengan gelas berapi'. Cracked my brother and I up. Something 'cool' sounding like goblet being reduced to gelas. Sad.

Ahmad Hilmi said...

Hoho. Gelas berapi it is ^__^ Tis wonderful how they translate.