
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Busy busy

Fuah.... welll statistics I never liked and now I've been reading about stats for 4 days. I know enought to start so I'm just saving all the extra info on my thumb drive for reference. I'd never know when I'll need it again. Oh yea a case of my thesis being too 'lean'.
Watched first ep of FLCL and god I love it. Great having broadband now I can actually check up on people's recommendations. Used to be I'd just wait 4 my bro to get anything huh... Hmm... FLCL would have to wait coz time I haven't got much now and am prioritizing. Burning it into a DVD tho to watch while I'm having my lecturer read my latest final draft ;) Hope ma loans me her laptop


ahnali said...

flcl..? what the story is all about..?
aaa ngah.. shakugen no shana cam ramai org recommend je..huhuuu..

Ahmad Hilmi said...

shakugen no shana aaaa?? hmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm wokie will search :D